अक्टूबर 30, 2010

बच्चा उसी का आगे बढेगा : जिसके माता- पिता में शिक्षा को खरीदने की ताकत होगी ??

बाजारवाद के इस युग में उसी का बच्चा आगे बढेगा जिसके माता- पिता में शिक्षा को खरीदने की ताकत होगी ?? शिक्षा संस्थाय़ें अब शिक्षा मंदिर नहीं रहीं , अब तो ये  एजूकेशनल शोप्स हैं ?? ये शिक्षकों के रेस्ट  हाउसिज हैं और शिक्षकों के घर शिक्षा की आढतें ? टयूशन नक़ल करने का बीमा और पास कराने की गारंटी  है ?? जाति और धर्म की राजनीति  करने वाले नेता हैं इनके मालिक ?
  राजनैतिक अखाड़े भी हैं और मुनाफा देने वाला व्यापार भी ? जातिवाद और सांप्रदायिकता के बीज इसी उपजाऊ भूमि में अंकुरित और पल्वित होकर सड़कों पर आते हैं .शिक्षा संस्थाएं तो ऐसे कारखाने बनने चाहीएँ थे , जहाँ बेहतर इंसान बनते ??

अक्टूबर 21, 2010

Eduction is our right ,it is not for sale

in the history of human civilisation slavery and serfdom have been abolished,feudalism  has been abolished ,racialism been abolished, colonilism has been abolished. all these have been giving only one message that every body have birth right of equality of oppourtunity . freedom struggle of india and later on in our constitution this was declared main objectives. but after independence , inequalities have increased and are increasing continuously . today millions of children are out of school .potable clean water, cloth, house to live ,food all these necessities of life are still a far dream for childhood of marginalised society. millions & millions of children are working in hotels, garages, facteries & homes .77 percent of indian population lives on an average per capita consumption expenditure of rs. 20 a day.large section of peoples in india do not have regular access to food . nearly half of world's hungry are in india. at least 35 percent people are living below poverty line.India is the world's most youthful countries. 15 million youth live in India.but most of them have no eduction & employment. in India, inflation, recession is constantly growing. The difference between rich and poor is huge. India has 10 billionaires in the world four . Society is divided into caste and religions.  capitalism and the capitalist political parties doing politics of religion and caste.under the pressure of world bank & imf indian state commercialization & marketisation of eduction& social sector . so some people are selling the eduction & earning huge money. so all india students federation struggle against the wrong policies of state & union government.we opposed the commercialization , marketisation & privatisation of eduction .we said"eduction is our right ,it is not for sale. aisf is the premier & historical student organisation. aisf is ready to launch the struggle against several political issues like unemployment , price-hike ,corruption , food security etc.we demands free & compulsary eduction for all.we think if india is to be made happy and prosperous. comprehensive plan has to be prepared to provide eduction to everybody. this has to be a time bounded programme as part of our most important task. one cannot bring about social & cultural transformation in the country without such a programme. the constitution of india includes " socialism "as one of its basic principles.the aisf also follows the aims of progress, peace & socialism. it is continuously struggling to achieve these aims.

अक्टूबर 19, 2010

तेरी आँखों के कुछ मोती, और इन आँखों का पानी है... तुम्हारे प्यार की अब बस, यही बाकी निशानी है...

किताबों मे, तुम्हारे प्यार के कुछ रंग सूखे से...
मुझे खाने को बैठे, याद के कुछ शेर भूखे से...
हैं कुछ काग़ज़ के टुकड़ों पे, लिखावट प्यार की तेरे...
तेरे चेहरे की, भोली सी बनावट हान्थ से मेरे...

मेरे इस दिल के खिलने की जो छोटी सी कहानी है....
तुम्हारे प्यार की अब बस, यही बाकी निशानी है...

तेरी आवाज़ के सुर मे, वो अधसोई हुई रातें...
थी कुछ पूरी तो कुछ आधी, जो मिश्री सी तेरी बातें....
उनीदी आँख से देखे, सुनहरे कल के जो सपने...
तेरे वो दर्द के टुकड़े, जो लगते थे कभी अपने...

वो पल बच्चे रहे लेकिन, वो यादें तो सयानी है...
तुम्हारे प्यार की अब बस, यही बाकी निशानी है...

वक़्तों के गुना भागों से, जब ना फ़र्क पड़ता था...
वो जब बन सूर्य, दिल-नभ मे तुम्हारा अक्स चढ़ता था...
वो जब कलियों से दिल की, प्यार की जुल्फें सजाता था...
मिलन की राग मे जब, इश्क़ की बंसी बजाता था...

वो यादों की खिली कलियाँ, पुनः मन मे सजानी है...
तुम्हारे प्यार की अब बस, यही बाकी निशानी है...

उलझ कर टूटती, फँसती, पतंगी डोर इस दिल की...
मेरे सपनो के महलों की, सुनहरी बंद वो खिड़की...
वो एहसासों के आँगन मे, बिखर, टूटा पड़ा ये मन...
दहकती आग भावों की, उसी मे जल रहा ये तन....

ये हान्थो मे तेरी खुशबू, जो आँसू से मिटानी है....
तुम्हारे प्यार की अब बस, यही बाकी निशानी है...

मैं तुमपे वार पाता, गर ये मेरे प्यार के मोती...
मेरी तस्वीर, हालातों की, तब कुछ और ही होती...
मैं कायर तो नही था, खून से पर लड़ ना पाया मैं...
समाजों के रिवाजों को, तमाचा जड़ ना पाया मैं...

तेरी आँखों के कुछ मोती, और इन आँखों का पानी है...
तुम्हारे प्यार की अब बस, यही बाकी निशानी है...

ये टपकी ओस की बूँदें, मेरी आँखों का पानी है...

ये टपकी ओस की बूँदें, मेरी आँखों का पानी है...
ये सीलापन हवाओं का, मेरे गम की निशानी है...
यहाँ जब पुष्प खिलते हैं, भ्रमर भी दूर रहते है...
अजब है बात पुष्पों का, बहुत नमकीन पानी है...

तेरे अधरों के मोती, मुझपे गिरते, क्या बदल जाता...
ये मेरे भाग्य का तारा, बिखरता ना, सम्हल जाता...
तू बस इक बार थामे हान्थ कहती, घुप अंधेरा है...
मैं खातिर जगमगाने राह तेरी , खुद ही जल जाता...

तेरा ही नाम अब तक, मेरे दिल की सिलवटों में है....
  तेरी ही याद के घावों की पीड़ा, करवटों में है...
मैं कैसे त्याग की भाषा, दहेकते मन को समझाऊं...
ये राधा सा खड़ा अब तक, वहीं यमुना तटों पे है...

मिटा सब ग्यान अब मेरा, मैं समझाऊं भला कैसे...
ये मन बच्चा मेरा, इसको, मैं बहलाऊं भला कैसे...
जो अब तक घूमता था बस, तेरे ही  दिल की गलियों मे...
उसे आँसू के सागर मे , मैं तैराऊ भला कैसे....

मैं इस दिल मे नही कोई नया, अब स्वप्न बुनता हूँ...
हमारे प्यार की बस, अधखिली कलियों को चुनता हूँ...
मैं बंधन तोड़ कर सारे,समाजों के, रिवाजों के....
मैं सुनता हूँ कभी अब तो, बस अपने दिल की सुनता हूँ.....

तुझे पाना नहीं, बस चाहने की चाह अब मुझको...
ये स्वप्नो मे अधूरा सा मिलन, स्वीकार अब मुझको...
चिता की मैं जलन सह लूँ, मगर ये सह ना पाऊँगा...
निशानी जग से मिट जाए, मैं आऊँ याद तब तुझको...

14th AIYF Conference

14th AIYF Conference

Socialism is the Only Way of Life: Bardhan
C. Adhikesaven from Jalandhar
Kartar Singh Sarabha Nagar (Jalandhar): The four-day Conference of the All India Youth Federation (AIYF) began here with a bang on September 28, 2010. Communist Party of India (CPI) general secretary A. B. Bardhan inaugurated the conference at Desh Bhagat Yadgar Hall, with his inspiring speech amidst thunderous applaud and sky-ranting slogans of the red volunteers. AIYF national president P. Sandosh Kumar presided over the meeting after which the massive rally began.
In his valedictory speech, Bardhan pointed out that September 28 was the 103ird birth anniversary of great revolutionary Comrade Bhagat Singh and we remember his sacrifice again and again. Alongwith him, we pay homage to his comrades, Rajguru and Sukhdev who were martyred along with him. They laid down their lives to free the country from the shackles of British imperialism.
The CPI veteran leader recalled the sacrifices made by Kartar Singh and the heroes of Komagata Maru on whom the youth of this country take pledge.
He deplored others who want to take advantage in the name of the martyrs. These people are those whose fathers and forefathers ruled the country and have been occupying the seat of power. Now their successors want to capture the power in the name of martyrs.
Bardhan said, ‘We salute the martyrs for their uncompromising struggle and sacrifices. We follow the path shown by Bhagat Singh.’
It is not only by the charkha spinning that we got Independence. We attained freedom through great sacrifices made by the freedom fighters and martyrs, he said.
Lamenting the country’s condition after the independence, Bardhan said, ‘After 63 years of freedom, there are still unresolved problems haunting the poor people, though the capitalist world is also suffering from crisis after crisis.’
The UPA-II has made promises of economic growth and takes pride at 9.5 per cent growth, but does it percolate down to aam aadmi? The growth is only filling the coffers of a few. Government’s own report says that 78 per cent of country’s population, which is about 90 crore out of 120 crore just live on Rs. 20 a day, said Bardhan.
After the UPA-II took over, the prices are skyrocketing irrespective of the tremendous pressure and hardships faced by the common people, said CPI leader.
Praising the role played by AIYF, he said the grand old organisation has kept up its struggle for employment but youth are still deprived of government jobs. More than 1.70 lakh jobs are lying vacant in Railways. There is neither any programme nor policy on the part of the government regarding this. There is no employment for the educated youth and working hands. A large number of youth migrate from city to city and state to state in search of jobs creating ecological and economical imbalance. They migrate because the government is unable to provide employment to them in their own city or state.
The people of this country want Commonwealth Games that would help enhancing our influence and power in the international arena. But what was the role of the government? It says it had already spent Rs.77,000 crore. But stadiums are still unequipped, said CPI leader. There has to be introspection by the organizers and the government after the games are concluded.
Attacking the Maoist violence in the country, Bardhan said since they have sophisticated weapons, some people bend before them and also praise them. But the question remains why should one adopt the line followed by Mao in China, asked CPI leader and said that during Mao’s period there was no parliamentary system and no democratic norms and lines. But today in India we have parliamentary system, he said.
What is revolutionary in dragging innocent people and a few policemen from their homes and killing them, asked Bardhan.
Bardhan quoted Bhagat Singh as saying, ‘Violence and non-violence is not my tactics. I threw the bomb in the Assembly to open the ears of Britishers who were making black law.’
About corruption, Bardhan said that it is spreading like cancer and AIYF cadres must fight against it since it is a part of capitalism. In capitalism the gap between the rich and the poor will widen. One crisis would pave way for another crisis. Socialism is the only way of life.
About the red AIYF volunteers who were in the rally in large number, Bardhan said, ‘Red is revolution. Revolutionaries only follow the path shown by Bhagat Singh.’
While concluding his speech, Bardhan called the youth to come to the battleground to search out a new way of development and progress and build a new India.
AIYF national general secretary K. Murugan, CPI national council member Jagroop Singh, former AIYF president and organizing committee convener of the 14th Conference, Preethipal Singh and former AISF president Joginder Dayal addressed the huge gathering.
K. Murugan declared that country’s first Left organization is none other the AIYF. The youth organization is in the forefront to struggle for education for all and employment for all. In this situation the 14th AIYF conference is a milestone.
AIYF leader recalled the successful programme of ‘Save India and Change India’.
He said that martyrs did not sacrifice their precious lives for the freedom the country alone, they aimed to lead the country towards socialism that would provide equality to each and every Indian.
Dr. Joginder Dayal said that the youth ahould try to change the country’s political and social conditions. Our ideology is sharper than any warmongers’ sophisticated weapon of today.
World Federation of Democratic Youth president Dieogo Viero from Portugal, Hardev Arshi (former CPI MLA), AIYF national secretary Mahesh Rathi, national vice president Gautam Rai, national secretary Ishwaraiya, and national vice president D. Lenin were present on the podium.
There were Martyrs’ torches brought from five historic places, from Bhagat Singh’s birthplace Hussainiwala received by K. Murugan and P. Sandosh Kumar, from martyr Udam Singh’s birthplace, received by Kasmira Singh and Paramjeet Singh Dabha. Bant Singh Brar former AIYF president received the torch from Amritsar. A. B. Bardhan, Palllabh Sen Gupta, secretary, International National Department and CPI national executive member and Dr. Jogender Dayal, CPI national executive member received the Jallianwala Bagh torch from Jallianwala Bagh.
In between the speeches there were cultural activities of singing revolutionary songs and choreography like Fansi, (execution) that enthralled the gathering.
Jagroop Singh revealed how people of Punjab have contributed money and energy towards the AIYF conference. He lauded their role.
The red sea of volunteers, with those in red shirts, girls among them outnumbering boys, marched through nook and corners of the city that turned into a red sea of humanity.
The bystanders on both sides of the road enthusiastically watched the impressive and longest rally of more than 20,000 young people.
Bands and bursts of crackers created a festive mood. Throughout the 12-kilometer route, the girl AIYF cadres marched alongwith men raising slogans. It took about two hours to reach at least one point.
Among the girls, there was Poonam, a red volunteer from Amritsar saying that Bhagat was her leader. She is a school strudent and AISF activist believing in study and struggle both.
In the present context, she said the role and responsibility of girls become greater. To bring more and more young people, there has to be mobilization of youth by door-to-door campaign.
Gurnam Singh and Bajjeet Singh, dedicated to the revolutionary cause, claim that they would even die to safeguard the country’s unity and integrity by fighting against the communal elements.
The star of the attraction was a one and half year old child carrying his doll on his back. He is Surya Chandra from Andhra Pradesh. He can identify Bhagat Singh and Che Guevara from the large number of portraits.

Education out of Reach for Poor By D.Raja, Mp

In 1915 in a village named Ooruttambalam in Kerala, the great dalit revolutionary Ayyankali took a Pulaya untouchable girl for admission into a Malayalam school. The upper castes refused admission and set fire to the school to prevent the untouchable children from “defiling the educational institution”. This was followed by the first ever agricultural strike in the history of the nation not demanding wage increase but for the right to admission into schools. After a full circle of nearly hundred years and efforts of sixty years of a Indian Republic, education and admission into institutions will be as inaccessible today as for the little Pulaya girl. This time, there will be no question asked on the right to entry, but the question will be as to the cost of education.
As a nation we have passed through the travails of educating the children of Dalits, adivasis, girls and the small and marginal farmers of the rural areas and the toiling industrial workers in the urban areas. But the rich in our country never had this problem. Even the salaried middle class could look up to low–fee structured high quality institutions built by the Government for educating their children. If, the dream of the HRD minister of the United Progressive Alliance-II comes true, the whole of salaried middle class in our country would become debt-ridden to ever-advertising private banks and dormant nationalised banks. In ten years from now there would be no difference between the debt ridden farmers of Vidarbha and Telangana and the English- educated salaried middle and upper middle classes.
One can imagine the plight of parents of those children who took loans to send them to Australia and disturbances of that kind take a heavy toll on the repayment of such loans. The private insurance companies and banks advertise in-between-the-overs on live cricket matches on television, to make the parents get into a debt trap to educate their children. Because of the fact that education from being an almost free service has now become a costly, highly priced , globalised and privatised business commodity that can be put on sale. Unfortunately the Indian middle class seems to be innocently ignorant of the future pricing mechanism that the UPA-II has in store for them. The first of the evidences was the lack of interest and commitment of the UPA-II to implement the 95th Amendment made to the constitution by inserting Article 15 (5) to make education accessible to the Dalits, Adivasis and the Backwards. The amendment made in the right earnest by UPA-I envisaged reservation for all these classes in all government, aided or unaided private educational institution. But this is here not to happen in UPA-II
Because, with the arrival of UPA-II, education has suddenly transformed into a very good sale-able commodity and therefore one can hear statements such as – liberating education from the clutches of the government and something like revamping the scenario of higher education etc. etc. The second of the indications of the things that are to come in future is simply the pricing of the application forms of educational institutions. The price of a mere application form starts from 5000 rupees and is never less than 500 rupees, in private institutions and sometimes even in government run institution. Then how can a student belonging to a below poverty line category whose family income may not be more than 20 Rupees per day, as per Arjun Sengupta’s report, afford one ? And to buy one application form the entire family will have to go hungry for a whole month. The prices of application forms are so high that they are equal to the salary of two people working in daily homes for a whole month. No wonder the intention of UPA-II government is to lead the nation towards making education inaccessible to the poor of the nation, irrespective of the caste.
The humbug of right to education unfortunately is restricted to government institutions and the poor will not have right to entry into any elite public school because neither the government ready to pay up the high fees of public schools nor the elite schools are ready to accept poor children. So, by 2015 again we will have a poor Pulaya girl waiting outside a public school. And by that time the spectre of suicides will shift from the farming communities of Vidharbha to the educated middle class of urban India. Now, whatever UPA-II is doing is strictly following machinations of its HRD minister’s dream to make India a business hub where education is on sale. This is irrespective of the fact of “right to education” survives as a right or otherwise.
Towards achieving these aims and objectives, the Union HRD minister has brought in a bill called The Educational Tribunal Bill which deals with any dispute arising between students and institutions, teachers and institutions and the institutions concerned with any regulatory body. That means there will be more work for the lawyers in our country. They will be dealing with apart from criminal and civil natured cases, such cases of fights between a teacher and a student and students of universities and colleges will be running around court–katchery to solve their disputes on prolonged and unending disposal of cases by the courts. So this is what the UPA government wants! This is what the lawyer turned- Minister wants too !
Next comes the Foreign Education Providers Bills which will allow a foreign institution to operate in our country and probably charge tuition fee either in dollars or in euros and push our foreign-education-crazy middle class running around banks (and money lenders) to pay the tuition fee of such foreign institutions opening shops in India. Now the UPA government doesn’t stop there and is also bringing a bill on Accreditation to allow the entry of private accrediting agencies into the country both foreign and local to go around ranking the private education institutions from one star to five star, so that it will be first, the foreign education institutions and then mostly foreign private accrediting agencies to rank our own institutions. Instead of expanding and increasing the reach of National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) which is the premier and highly authentic institution established by the University Grants Commission, based in Bangalore and headed by highly respected academicians like Prof. Goverdhan Mehta and Prof. H.A. Ranganath, the government has chosen to open the doors of this country to road side shops to award accreditation to our business minded private educational institutions.
Again the lawyers in our country will have hands full of work because the government is coming up with another bill, purportedly to contain capitation fee, but is actually a bill to impute criminality to teachers through The Prohibition of Unfair Practice in Technical, Medical, Educational Institutions and Universities Bill. Once passed this bill will allow entry of police time and again, again and again into the educational institutions of the country on one alibi or the other, or on the slightest violation or on even some false information about the facilities and teaching faculty available in the institution. Upon violation of any of the 25 listed violations in the bill, the central government, usurping the powers of the state government, can fine up to Rs. 50 lacs or sentence the teacher up to 10 years. Given an opportunity the police of our country will add up Sections like 420 and IPC sections relating to forgery, to completely criminalise the teachers. This does not mean that there are not errant institutions which try to befool people, but whether such actions demand imputation of criminality will be a very basic question the parliament has to look into. After all education is a field for learning and not for litigation.
Now, it is an entirely different issue which the HRD minister of this country and the UPA government are least bothered about is the rights of the State governments in a federal structure of our country to run educational institutions and regulate them in their states and take decisions in the interest of the linguistic culture and integrity. There will be a day when the nation will have to rue the unwarranted entry of the Central government into the state domain and impose upon them the whims of a HRD minister to cow down, control, regulate, access, accredit, implicate in criminal cases, the education sector in the state governments.
It is due its subordination to WTO, the UPA-II is creating conditions for further commodification and privatisation of education. The UPA –II government is now creating another SEZ – The Special Education Zones, which is for sure will lead to further discrimination and divide between the haves and have-nots in a country where already education is the prime creator of divide between the rich and poor, the rural and the urban. 
CPI Launches Stir to Meet Popular Demands
Samar Bhandari
DEHRADUN: CPI National Council secretary Atul Kumar Anjan called on the people of Uttarakhand to launch a united struggle for a better future. He stressed that only through unity among the masses and continuity in the struggle, the dream of a better Uttarakhand can be turned into reality. He was addressing a rally organized by the CPI state council of Uttaralhand on the eve of completion of the Jan Sangharsh Abhiyan on February 25, 2010.
The Abhiyan was organized by the CPI to spread awareness about the state government’s apathy towards the basic problems haunting the people in the region. The Abhiyan was started on February 1, 2010 in which CPI groups marched through the entire state from two sides of Kumaon and Garhwal Mandals. On February 25, as the rally culminated into a massive rally, Vidhan Sabha was gheraoed by the CPI activists from different parts of the state.
Participants came from every corner of the state with red flag in hand and slogans on lips. Among them, youth and women were in majority.
The demands raised in the rally were against rise in the prices of essentials, for strengthening the public distribution system, to restrain black marketing and hoarding, for proper marketing of agricultural products, enquiry into the failing and incomplete electricity projects, corruption in the Kumbh arrangements, for implementation of NREGA at ground level and to curb the rising criminal activities in the state.
The rally started from Gandhi Park and crossing through Ghantaghar and Rajpur Road, culminated in to a massive rally. Addressing the vast masses, Atul Kumar Anjan pointed out that the policies adopted by Congress and the BJP are responsible for the rising prices. The neo-liberal policies of the UPA-II have destroyed the lives of the farmers and workers. The agrarian sector has been forced to the sidelines and hence, the impending crisis. Atul stressed that the situation can be salvaged only if steps are taken to implement NREGA properly and investment is made in the agrarian sector at a large scale to transform the basic structure. According to him, without these imperatives, no development is possible.
Samar Bhandari, secretary of the CPI state unit said, ‘The state is in the grip of a severe water crisis while the Public Distribution System is in shambles. During our journey, we found that the government has failed to provide even the basic minimum facilities. In Chopta-Ghimtoli-Talla-Nagpur belt of Chamoli district, water has to be supplied in tankers.The state government has always been speaking on the development issues to underline its intention to improve the general quality of life, but no action has been taken to substantiate the statements. In the Assembly sessions the topics that are discussed are concerned with only salaries of the members. The state is already under a debt of Rs 15,000 crore, but nobody is bothered.’ He observed that the situation in the state today has turned explosive because of wrong policies, adopted by the Congress and BJP governments in the state in last nine years. He alleged that Dr Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank government in the state has been emphasizing on advertisement instead of meeting the basic needs of people in the state. While summing up, he said the struggle launched will not be over till the demands are met.
Among others who addressed the rally were state executive members of the CPI Dr Girdhar Pandit, Ravindra Jaggi, Narendra Rawat. National council member Narendra Singh Negi also addressed the assembled.
Among the other prominent persons in the rally were district secretary of Dehradun, Ashok Kandwal, of Uttarkashi, Mahavir Bhatt, of Rudraprayag, LP Bhatt, of Chamoli, Gyanendra Khantawal, of Haridwar, M S Verma, of Tehri Jaiprakash Pandey, of Udhamsingh Nagar, Gurucharan Singh Cheema. The meeting was conducted by Deepak Bhatt. •

अक्टूबर 18, 2010

छात्र विरोधी नीतियां अपना रही है सरकार:सुचान

हड़ताल में शामिल होंगे सैंकड़ों विद्यार्थी

Monday, September 6th, 2010
ऐलनाबाद के राजकीय महाविद्यालय में गेट मीटिंग को करते एआईएसएफ के रोशन सुचान।
ऐलनाबाद, 6 सितम्बर। शिक्षा एवं रोजगार जैसे मुद्दों को लेकर ऑल इंडिया स्टूडेंट फैडरेशन मंगलवार को प्रस्तावित राष्ट्रव्यापी हड़ताल में शामिल होगा। वहीं आगामी 15 सितम्बर को रोहतक में मुख्यमंत्री आवास का घेराव भी करेगा। यह बात फैडरेशन के राष्ट्रीय कोषाध्यक्ष रोशन सुचान ने सोमवार को स्थानीय राजकीय महाविद्यालय में छात्रों की गेट मीटिंग को संबोधित करते हुए कहा। वे यहां संगठन का सदस्यता अभियान शुरु करवाने आए थे। उन्होंने अपने संबोधन में कहा कि सरकार छात्र विरोधी नीतियां अपना रही है। इसलिए सरकार जल्द से जल्द छात्र संघों के चुनाव करवाकर छात्रों के लोकतांत्रिक अधिकारों पर से रोक हटाए। साथ ही प्रदेश के 20 लाख बेरोजगार युवाओं को रोजगार प्रदान करे। उन्होंने सरकार से छात्र संघ चुनाव बहाल करवाने, खाप पंचायतों पर रोक लगाने, प्रदेश में खाली पड़े 3 लाख सरकारी पदों को भरे जाने, अध्यापक पात्रता परीक्षा को रद्द करने, प्रदेश की सभी निजी बसों में छात्रों के लिए पास सुविधा शुरु करने, 8 हजार नई सरकारी बसें चलाए जाने, खेलों का प्रचार-प्रसार करने तथा छात्रों के लिए स्वास्थय सुविधाएं उपलब्ध करवाने की मांग की। अखिल भारतीय नौजवान सभा के रघुबीरसिंह नकौड़ा ने कहा कि उनका संगठन शहीद भगतसिंह के समाजवादी भारत का निर्माण करने के लिए संघर्ष कर रहा है। आगामी 15 सितम्बर को सैंकड़ों युवा रोहतक पहुंचकर मुख्यमंत्री आवास का घेराव करेंगे। छात्र सभा को संदीप खन्ना, गौरव स्वामी, मोनू सैनी, प्रवीण कुमार, पंकज कुमार आदि ने भी संबोधित किया।

भारतीय लोग अपनी मेहनत के कारण विदेशों में भी कामयाब

25 जनवरी 2010
भारतीय लोग मेहनती होते है। इसलिए वे विदेशो में जाकर कामयाब हो रहे है क्योंकि वहां पर मेहनती काम के लिए कुर्सी पर बैठने वालो की अपेक्षा अधिक धन मिलता है। आस्ट्रेलिया में भारतीय छात्रो पर हो रहे हमले का कारण देर रात तक काम करना है। जिससे कि नशेड़ी व असामाजिक तत्वों को मौका मिल जाता है। यह कोई नस्लीय हमले नही हैं। यह कहना तीन साल बाद आस्ट्रेलिया से अपने वतन लोटे गुरशमिंदर सिह बराड़ का। वे हैलो सिरसा कार्यक्रम में रोशन सुचान के साथ बातचीत कर रहे थे। पेश है इस वार्तालाप के मुख्यांश:9
आस्ट्रेलिया में भारतीय छात्रों पर हमले का मूल कारण क्या है?
जब मै तीन साल पहले यहां से आस्ट्रेलिया गया था तो उसकी अपेक्षा आज भारत ने बहुत तीव्र गति से विकास किया है। इसी प्रकार वहां भी स्थानांतरण का प्रचलन बहुताय हो गया और वहां हर शिक्षण संस्थान में भारतीय छात्र देखे जा सकते है। रही बात नस्ली हमलों की यह सिर्फ तीन या चार प्रतिशत ही हो सकते है। मुख्यत: झगड़े शराबी लोगों के कारण हुए, ऐसा प्रतीत होता है। आस्ट्रेलिया में विश्व में सबसे कम समय में यानि मात्र दो वर्षो में ही स्थाई निवास दिया जाता था। जिस कारण अधिक से अधिक छात्र आस्ट्रेलिया जाना चाहते थे। परन्तु इन बेबुनियादी खबरो का खामियाजा भी छात्रो को ही भुगतना पड़ा है।
क्या वैश्विक आर्थिक मंदी के कारण भारतीय प्रवासी प्रभावित हुए है?
आस्ट्रेलिया में प्रतिभा संपन्न लोगों की कमी थी। क्योंकि वहा एक बहुत बड़ा तबका रिटायर हो चुका था। जिस कारण वहां भारतीयों की मांग थी। आस्ट्रेलिया में एक प्रणाली के तहत वहां का हर स्थाई निवासी सुरक्षित है। वहां हर स्थाई निवासी को रोजगार उपलब्ध करवाया जाता है या फिर उसे जीवन यापन के लिए सरकार द्वारा न्यूनतम वेतन प्रदान किया जाता है। जिससे हम कह सकते है कि वैश्विक मंदी से भारतीय प्रवासी लोगो का ज्यादा फर्क नही पड़ा है।
आस्ट्रेलिया की शिक्षा नीति भारत की शिक्षा नीति से कैसे भिन्न है?
वहां की शिक्षा नीति अच्छी है। परन्तु मैं भारतीय शिक्षा प्रणाली का कायल हूँ। क्योंकि यहां के छात्र अधिक होशियार है। अभी कुछ दिन पहले अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति बराक ओबामा ने भी कहा था कि अमेरिकी और युरोपीय बच्चे तो विडियो गेम खेलते रह गए और एशियन बच्चे बहुत काम के निकले। वहा की खास बात यह है कि वहां पर शिक्षा में परैक्टिकल अधिक करवाया जाता है। परन्तु शिक्षा का अधिक दबाव न होने के कारण वहा के छात्र या तो बिल्कुल टॉप करते है या फिर फेल होते है। उनका गणित भी बहुत कमजोर होता है। वहां की शिक्षा राजगार से जुड़ी हुई है।
भारत और आस्ट्रेलिया के यातायात प्रणाली में क्या अन्तर है?
दोनों देशो की यातायात प्रणाली बहुत भिन्न है। वहां सभी नियमो का पालन करना अनिवार्य है। तीन साल वहां गुजारने बाद मुझे यह महसूस हुआ कि हम भारत में तो खुदा के आसरे ही चलते है। हमारे तंत्र में कोई खामी नही है। परन्तु हमारे यहां सहजता से नियमो का पालन नही किया जाता । आस्टे्रलिया में यातायात के नियमो को राष्ट्र भावना के साथ माना जाता है। वहां गिव वे रूल होने के कारण ड्राइविंग में बहुत आसानी रहती है। भारत में अधिक जनसंख्या होने के कारण यातायात संस्कृति को स्थापित करने के लिए बहुत कड़ी मश्कत की आवश्यकता है।

युवा संगठन 15 सितम्बर को करेंगे सीएम आवास का घेराव

युवा संगठन 15 सितम्बर को करेंगे सीएम आवास का घेराव

सिरसा : शिक्षा रोजगार के मुद्दों पर प्रदेश के चार छात्र युवा संगठन डीवाईएफआई,एआईएसएफ,एसएफआई,एआईवाईएफ द्वारा गठित छात्र-युवा संघर्ष समिती 15 सितम्बर को 13 सूत्रीय मांगों को लेकर रोहतक में सीएम आवास का घेराव करके प्रदर्शन करेगी। इस संबंध में जानकारी देते हुए रोशन सुचान  ने बताया कि सिरसा में एक जत्था राजकीय नेेशनल कॉलेज,देवीलाल विश्वविद्यालय के अलावा विभिन्न गांवों फतेहपुरिया,शेखूपुरिया,जोधपुरिया में पहुंचा जहां सभाओं का आयोजन किया गया। सभा को संबोधित करते हुए चारों संगठनों के छात्र-युवा नेताओं ने कहा कि प्रदेश सरकार शिक्षा को बाजारू बनाकर शिक्षा को आम जनता से बाहर कर रही है। प्रदेश में तीन लाख सरकारी पद रिक्त पड़े हैं जिनमें से 50 हजाऱ अध्यापकों के पद हैं। अध्यापक पात्रता परीक्षा के नाम पर बेरोजगारों से खिलवाड़ किया जा रहा है। उन्होंने कहा कि 15 सितम्बर को 13 सूत्रीय मांगों जनमें शिक्षा,रोजगार,छात्र संघचुनाव बहाल करने,खाप पंचायतों पर रोक लगवाने,अध्यापक पात्रता परीक्षा बंद करने,स्वास्थ्य सुविधाओं में सुधार,बसों की समस्या का समाधान करवाने के लिए हज़ारों की संख्या में सीएम आवास पर प्रदर्शन किया जाएगा। सभा को एआईएसएफ,एसएफआई,एआईवाईएफ के राज्य स्तरीय छात्र नेताओं दिनेश सिवाच,रोशन सुचान,मनोज कुमार,विक्रम मित्तल,अजीत सिंह,रूस्तम सैनी,जगजीत सिंह,टोनी सागू,रीना,चेतन सिंह आदि ने संबोधित किया।

छात्रों ने जमकर काटा बवाल

सिरसा 29 अप्रैल। गांव फूलकां स्थित राजेंद्रा पॉलिटेक्निक में आज स्टाफ हटाए जाने को लेकर विद्यार्थियों ने जमकर बवाल काटा और राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग पर जाम लगा दिया। जाम के कारण सड़क के दोनों ओर वाहनों की लंबी कतारें लग गईं और पुलिस व प्रशासन को मामले में हस्तक्षेप करना पड़ा। विद्यार्थियों ने आरोप लगाया कि संस्थान प्रबंधन ने परीक्षाओं के दिनों में स्टाफ का तबादला करके विद्यार्थियों के साथ खिलवाड़ किया है। साथ ही विद्यार्थियों ने प्रबंधन पर बाहर से लोग बुलाकर मारपीट करवाने का भी आरोप लगाया। दूसरी ओर संस्थान के प्रबंध निदेशक डॉ. राजेंद्र सिंह सरां ने इस मामले में थाना डिंग पुलिस को लिखित शिकायत भेजकर विद्यार्थियों द्वारा हुड़दंग मचाए जाने की शिकायत की है। मौके पर पहुंचे आल इंडिया स्टूडेंट्स फैडरेशन के राष्ट्रीय कार्यकारिणी सदस्य रोशन सुचान ने कहा कि संस्थान प्रबंधन ने छात्रों से मारपीट करवाई। धक्कामुक्की में सतपाल गुज्जर व हनुमान नाम के एक छात्र को चोट लगी वहीं एक छात्रा अंशु के साथ भी मारपीट हुई। छात्रों ने बताया कि मारपीट व धक्कामुक्की से विद्यार्थी रुष्ट हो गए थे और उन्होंने संस्थान की कैंटीन के पास आग लगा दी। इसके बाद उन्होंने जाम लगा दिया। जाम की सूचना मिलने पर एसएचओ सदर इंस्पेक्टर जितेंद्र कुमार, थाना डिंग प्रभारी देवेंद्र नैन, रोडवेज के महाप्रबंधक लाजपत राय भी मौके पर पहुंचे और विद्यार्थियों से बातचीत करके जाम खुलवाया। छात्र नेता रोशन सुचान व अन्य ने कहा कि यदि प्रशासन ने इस मामले में कोई कार्रवाई नहीं की तो वे आंदोलन को तेज कर देंगे। उन्होंने मांग की कि पुराने स्टाफ को ही ड्यूटी पर तैनात किया जाए और संस्थान में पीने के पानी की उचित व्यवस्था की जाए। विद्यार्थियों की पढ़ाई को देखते हुए उचित कदम उठाए जाएं। मौके पर पहुंचे अधिकारियों ने विद्यार्थियों को कहा कि इस मामले में संस्थान प्रबंधन से बातचीत की जाएगी और उचित हल निकाला जाएगा।

राष्ट्रव्यापी बन्द में वामपंथी पार्टियों द्वारा बाजार बंद प्रदर्शन व जनसभा मोटरसाईकिल रैल

राष्ट्रव्यापी बन्द में वामपंथी पार्टियों द्वारा बाजार बंद प्रदर्शन व जनसभा मोटरसाईकिल रैली
Monday, July 05 2010 10:44
सिरसा। विपक्षी दलों के मंहगाई विरोधी भारत बंद में  वामपंथी पार्टियाँ तथा छात्र-युवा-मजदूर संगठन भी बंद में शामिल हुए। आज सुबह सात बजे से ही दोनों वामपंथी पार्टियों,भारतीय कम्यूनिस्ट पार्टी,मार्कसवादी कम्यूनिस्ट पार्टी,छात्र व युवा संगठन ऑल इंडिया स्टूडैंटस फडरेशन,अखिल भारतीय नौजवान सभा,जनवादी नौजवान सभा,खेत मजदूर संगठन,सीटू,जनवादी महिला समिती,किसान सभा व अन्य संगठनों के कार्यकर्ता शिव चौंक पर एकत्रित होकर बाजारों को बंद करवाया तथा प्रदर्शन कर मोटरसाईकिल रैली भी निकाली। इन दलों और संगठनों ने केंद्र व राज्य सरकारों की जनविरोधी तथा मंहगाई बढ़ाने वाली आर्थिक नीतियों के विरूद्ध जमकर नारेबाजी की। वामपंथी नेताओं ने  सूरतगडिय़ा चौंक पर एक जनसभा की जिसे संबोधित करते हुए भाकपा के जिला सचिव का. जयचंद सहारनी व माकपा के जिला सचिव का. राजकुमार शेखूपुरिया ने संबोधित किया तथा केंद्र सरकार की मंहगाई विरोधी नीतियों की आलोचना करते हुए कहा कि केन्द्र सरकार द्वारापैट्र्रोल-डीजल की कीमतों को सरकारी नियंत्रण से बाहर कर बाज़ार की ताकतों के हवाले करना जनविरोधी कदम है इससे मंहगाई पहले से ज्यादा बढ़ जाएगी। उन्होंने केंद्र सरकार को सफल भारत बंद से सबक सीखने की बात करते हुए कहा कि अगर सरकार ने अपनी आर्थिक नीतियों को नहीं बदला तो जल्द ही पूरे देश में अनिश्चितकालीन आंदोलन चलाया जाएगा। जनसभा को संबोधित करते हुए ऑल इंडिया स्टूडैंटस फडरेशन के राष्ट्रीय कोषाध्यक्ष रोशन सुचान, अखिल भारतीय नौजवान सभा के प्रधान हैपी बक्शी, शाम लाल ओड, राजेश भादू, जनवादी नौजवान सभा के जिला प्रधान जयराम नागर, टोनी सागू, मजदूर सभा के चैन सिंह, विक्रम झोरडऩाली, मंगत राम नेजाडेला, महिला समिती की माया रानी, बलबीर कौर गांधी, सीटू नेता राजेन्द्र फतेहपुरिया, गगन, राकेश, सुरेश, मन्नु, कालू, अंकुश आदि छात्र-युवा-मजदूर नेताओं ने मंहगाई बढ़ाने वाली आर्थिक नीतियों की कड़ी निंदा की।

रेल रोको प्रदर्शन ..........................

रेल रोको प्रदर्शन ..........................

14 May 2010
सिरसा। लम्बे समय से सुचान रेलवे फाटक पर मालगाड़ी रूकने से लगने वाले जाम से परेशान गांव वासियों ने दो सवारी गाडिय़ों को घंटो रोकर अपना रोष जाहिर किया। कई बार की तरह एक मालगाड़ी पिछले 24 घंटो से इस रेलवे फाटक पर खड़ी थी जिसके कारण लगे जाम से ग्रामीणों और विद्यार्थियों को भारी परेशानियों का सामना करना पड़ रहा था। ऐसे में आज सुबह जब गांव की नौजवान सभा के सदस्य और ग्रामीण स्टेशन मास्टर के पास इस गाड़ी को हटाने की मांग को लेकर गए तो उन्होंने ऐसा करने से साफ इंकार कर दिया जिस पर भड़के सभा के सदस्यों ने ग्रामीणों को साथ लेकर रेलवे लाईन पर जोरदार प्रदर्शन करते हुए दो गाडिय़ों को दो घंटे तक रोके रखा। सबसे पहले सिरसा से हिसार जाने वाली गाड़ी को ग्रामीणों द्वारा विरोध स्वरूप सुचान रेलवे स्टेशन पर रोक दिया गया लेकिन ऐसा करने पर भी जब मालगाड़ी रेलवे फाटक से हटाने की मांग नहीं मानी गई तो ग्रामीणों ने किसान एक्सप्रेस को भी यहीं रोक लिया। ग्रामीणों ने आल इंडिया स्टूडैंट फडरेशन के छात्र नेता रोशन सुचान तथा नौजवान सभा के नेता भोला के नेतृत्व में रेलवे स्टेशन के समीप पहुँच कर इन गाडिय़ों को रोका। ग्रामीण मालगाड़ी रेलवे फाटक से हटाए जाने तक इस रेल जाम को खोलने के लिए राजी नहीं थे। घटना की गम्भीरता को देखते हुए एस.डी.एम. सिरसा तथा एस.एच.ओ. थाना डिंंग मौके पर पहुँचे। पर ग्रामीण माल गाड़ी के हटने तक जाम न खोलने पर अड़े रहे। रोशन सुचान ने बताया कि पिछले 24 घंटे से मालगाड़ी खड़ी होने से जाम लगा हुआ था। स्टेशन मास्टर के ना मानने पर उन्होंने रेलगाडिय़ों को रोककर मालगाड़ी हटाने की मांग की है। दो घंटे तक दोनो गाडिय़ाँ इस स्टेशन पर रूके रहने के बाद पॉवर इंजन स्टेशन पर पहुँचा और मालगाड़ी रेलवे फाटक से हटने पर ही दोनो सवारी गाडिय़ों को रवाना किया गया। इस अवसर पर का. सतपाल सुचान,रोशन सुचान,हरि किशन, जयचन्द, अनिल, भोला, रोहताश, करण सिंह, रणजीत, देवेन्द्र, सूरजभान पुच, सुरेन्द्र पाल, हरमीत, शामलाल, राजूू, विक्की, अमरीक सिंह, नारंग, विनोद, विचित्र सिंह, निम्मी देवी, जीत लाल, विनोद पचेरवाल, राजपाल, अशोक, कालाराम, बलराज, लाला और दीपा आदि ग्रामीण उपस्थित थे।

सरकार पर शिक्षा का निजीकरण व बाजारीकरण करने का आरोप

सिरसा, संवाद सहयोगी : ऑल इंडिया स्टूडेट्स फेडरेशन (एआईएसएफ) एवं स्टूडेंट्स फेडरेशन ऑफ इंडिया के आह्वान पर राजकीय नेशनल कालेज में छात्रों ने गेट मीटिंग कर सरकार व प्रशासन विरोधी नारे लगाए तथा कालेज प्राचार्या डा. सुमन गुलाब को मांग पत्र सौंपा। छात्रों को संबोधित करते हुए एआईएसएफ के प्रदेश संयोजक रोशन लाल सुचान ने कहा कि प्रदेश सरकार शिक्षा का निजीकरण व बाजारीकरण कर रही है तथा अढ़ाई लाख सरकारी पद रिक्त पड़े है जिन्हे भरा नहीं जा रहा है। अध्यापक पात्रता परीक्षा के नाम पर लाखों बेरोजगारों को बाहर का रास्ता दिखा रही है तथा 13 वर्षो से बंद पड़े छात्र संगठनों के चुनाव को बहाल नहीं कर रही है। उन्होंने कहा कि उपरोक्त मांगों के खिलाफ जोरदार आंदोलन छेड़ा जाएगा।
इस मौके पर जिला संयोजक मनसुख ने कहा कि कालेज में बीएमसी, बीसीए आदि विभागों में प्राध्यापकों की कमी है, जिसके चलते विद्यार्थियों की ठीक ढंग से पढ़ाई नहीं हो पा रही है। इसके अलावा पीने के पानी, सफाई तथा पुस्तकालय में भी सुविधाओं का अभाव है। एआईएसएफ के जिला अध्यक्ष अजीत सिंह ने कहा कि कालेज में कमरों का अभाव है, जिस कारण क्लासें खुले में लग रही है। उन्होंने कहा कि अगर कालेज प्रशासन ने 30 अगस्त तक छात्रों की समस्याओं को हल नहीं किया तो जोरदार आंदोलन किया जाएगा। उन्होंने बताया कि आगामी 30 अगस्त को पानीपत में राज्य स्तरीय कन्वेंशन में आंदोलन की रूपरेखा तैयार की जाएगी। इस अवसर छात्र नेता सुभाष पन्नीवालिया, विनोद सुचान, मनप्रीत घुम्मन, दिनेश, नरेश, राम अवतार, ललित आदि उपस्थित थे।

The All-India Students Federation (AISF) today condemned the diktat of Khap Panchayat

The All-India Students Federation (AISF) today condemned the diktat of Khap Panchayat

Tribune News Service
Sirsa, January 31
The All-India Students Federation (AISF) today condemned the diktat of Khap Panchayat, declaring a couple as brother and sister in Meham Kheri, Rohtak district. It demanded action against those responsible for it. A meeting of the state council of the AISF held here today urged the state government to initiate action against members of the Khap Panchayat. Roshan Lal Suchan, state convener, who presided over the meeting, alleged that the state government had been encouraging Khap Panchayats by not taking any action against them.

“It’s sheer vote bank politics that stops the government from proceeding against these panchayats,” he alleged.
The members decried the increasing trend of privatisation of education and alleged that the government was hand in glove with private institutes in fleecing students. “On the one hand, education is getting increasingly out of bounds for the common people and on the other, no fresh recruitments are being made,” the AISF leader alleged.
He claimed that there were that 25 lakh unemployed youths in Haryana, but the state government was doing precious little to fill 2.5 lakh vacancies in various departments. Suchan said the 27th annual convention of the AISF would be held at Puducherry from February 13 to 15, in which over 1,000 delegates would participate.

Polytechnic students block highway

Polytechnic students block highway, break windows
Allege management sent goons to beat them up
Tribune News Service
Sirsa, April 29
Irate students of Rajendra Polytechnic blocked traffic on the national highway near Sikandarpur village and broke windowpanes of the guardroom of their institute after the management of the institute allegedly sent “goons” to beat them up.

The students said they were sitting on a peaceful dharna outside the institute against the change of several faculty members at the fag end of their semester, when some persons armed with firearms allegedly attacked them. They alleged that the persons sent by the management also fired bullets in the air to intimidate them.
“Students - Satpal and Hanuman - were injured in the incident, while a girl identified as Anshu was beaten up,” alleged Roshan Suchan, state convener of the All-India Students Federation.
“We have lodged a complaint against institute’s chairman Dr Rajinder Sran and others,” he added.
Meanwhile, Dr Sran alleged that some students had ransacked the guardroom and caused damage to the institute’s property after some former teachers of the university misled them.
“A student - Anil Rupana - had an altercation with teacher Ashu Garg some days ago after which the student apologised with intervention of the management. However, Garg was adamant on Rupana’s expulsion from the institute and he along with nine other teachers submitted their mass resignations on the issue. The management was left with no option but to make fresh appointments in their place as the examinations of the students are nearing,” said Dr Sran.
He, however, denied the allegations of the students that some persons sent by the management thrashed them or fired in the air.
Devinder Nain, SHO of the Ding police station, said a case under Sections 285 (negligent conduct with respect to fire or combustible items) and 34 (act done by several persons in furtherance of common intention) of the IPC on the complaint of student Sat Pal.

Villagers disrupt rail traffic

Sirsa, May 14
The Government Railway Police has registered a case after villagers stopped two passenger trains at the Suchan railway station in this district today.

The villagers first stopped a passenger train that came from Sirsa and was heading towards Hisar.
In the meantime, the Kisan Express that came from the opposite direction was also stopped by villagers. The villagers were demanding removal of a goods train standing on the railway station for the past over 24 hours. “A goods train has been standing at the village station since Wednesday evening and has blocked the railway crossing. Villagers, especially schoolchildren, have been facing difficulty in going past the railway lines on vehicles,” alleged Roshan Suchan, state convener of the All-India Students Federation and resident of the village.
He said the engine of the goods train had been sent somewhere and there was no chance of its early removal. Later, Sirsa SDM Satish Jain reached there with a police force and persuaded villagers to let the trains proceed towards their destinations. The GRP has registered a case under Sections 341, 186 , 148 and 149 (rioting) of the IPC and Section 156 of the Indian Railways Act against the villagers.

Paramajit Singh Dhaban elected AISF President

Paramajit Singh Dhaban elected AISF President
Puducherry | Tuesday, Feb 16 2010 IST

Mr Paramajit Singh Dhaban was elected as the new national President of the All India Students Federation (AISF).
In the elections held here yesterday, the last day of the 27th National Conference of AISF, Mr Abhay Taxal and Mr Roshan Suchan were elected as National General Secretary and Treasurer respectively, outgoing National General Secretary Vijeyndra Kesari told a press conference here today.
Mr Kesari said the conference had also elected three Vice-Presidents -- Venkat (Tamil Nadu), T Jismon (Kerala) and Victor (Delhi)- and two National Secretaries -- Partho (West Bengal) and Abhinav (Bihar). One post from Andhra pradesh was left vacant, he said, adding, 31 executive committee members were also elected.
The elected team would have a tenure of three years.
-- (UNI) --
  Viewer's Comment

Left cadres hold protest

Sirsa, April 8
Activists of the Left parties today staged a demonstration and laid a siege to the main post office building here against the rising prices of essential commodities.

Cadres of the CPI, CPM, All-India Students Federation (AISF), All-India Democratic Women Association (AIDWA) and the Democratic Youth Federation of India (DYFI) assembled at the Town Park in the morning.
Among them were Swaran Singh Virk, State council member of the CPI, Raj Kumar Shekhupuria, district secretary of the CPM, Jai Chand Saharani, district secretary of the CPI, Balbir Kaur Gandhi, district secretary of the AIDWA, Roshan Suchan, state convener, AISF, and several other leaders.
From the park, they marched towards the post office building and laid a siege to it for over two hours.
During this period, traffic on the road opposite the post office remained blocked.
“The Congress-led government at the Centre is responsible for the sp[iralling prices of essential commodities, particularly food items,” alleged Virk, while addressing the workers.
He alleged that the government had given a free hand to hoarders and profiteers, leaving the poor at their mercy.
Roshan Suchan alleged that the condition of the poor was deteriorating due to the “anti-poor” policies of the government. Poor implementation of NREGA and weakening of the public distribution system had added to the woes of the poor.
The workers later courted arrest. They were taken to the Police Lines in buses and let off.

AISF to gherao Parliament House ; suchan

Sirsa, October 29
The All-India Students Federation (AISF) will gherao Parliament House on November 14 in protest against “commercialisation of education” in the country.

A member of the National Council of the AISF and the convener of the Haryana state unit of the AISF, Roshan Suchan, here today said students from all over the country would participate in the protest.
Suchan alleged that the central government and governments of various states had taken steps towards privatising education in the recent past and big business sharks had taken control of the education business.
“Corporate houses, liquor mafia and all other unscrupulous elements in collusion with political parties in power have opened shops to fleece poor students,” the AISF leader alleged.
He alleged that it was a conspiracy to allow capitalists to swell their coffers at the cost of poor masses. “Some of those foreign universities that have been operating in India have either been banned or are unrecognised in their own countries,” Suchan alleged.

Bharat Bandh_Sirsa Bandh

YouTube - Bharat Bandh_Sirsa Bandh 5 July2010 Bharat Bandh_Sirsa Bandh 5 July2010; In this Video Roshan Suchan, AISF, INLD, BJP, AIYF:see video at ...........www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXa2Cxy6bYg

Polytechnic students go on strike

Polytechnic students go on strike
Sushil Manav
Tribune News Service
Sirsa, May 18
Students of the Government Polytechnic here went on strike today against the decision of the Haryana State Board of Technical Education to conduct examinations of the 2nd semester students starting on June 5 on the subjective type pattern instead of the usual objective type.

However, the board withdrew its decision by the evening as reports of protests had been received from various institutions of the state.
The students raised slogans and held demonstration against the board.
“The board had taken despotic orders just a fortnight before the examination leaving with students no scope of preparations as per the new pattern,” said Roshan Lal Suchan, state convener of the All-India Students Federation.
Principal Sudhir Gilhotra said the board authorities had reviewed its decision after resentment among the students.He said reports of resentment from other polytechnics of the state had also reached the board authorities.
“We have just received an e-mail communication from the board in this regard and are going to notify it for the students,” he sai

Bhiwani Shooting Students seek CBI inquiry

Bhiwani Shooting
Students seek CBI inquiry
Tribune News Service
Sirsa, November 3
The All-India Students Federation (AISF) has demanded a CBI inquiry into the killing of a student in an “encounter” by the Hisar police near Bhiwani.

Terming the killing of the student, Kuldeep, as an act of barbarism, Roshan Lal Suchan, state convener of the AISF, alleged that the state government had lost control over the police.
Suchan alleged that it was not the first incident of police killing innocent persons in encounter He maintained that the police act of opening fire on Kuldeep while questioning tantamounted to terrorism and not policing.

Irate students lock up polytechnic

Sirsa, September 11
Alleging that no teaching work took place for the past one month due to a strike by teachers, irate students today locked up their institution, Government Polytechnic, on the local Rania Road.

Led by Roshan Lal Suchan, state convener of the All-India Students Federation (AISF), the students sat in dharna outside the college building after locking it from outside. “There has been no teaching work in Government Polytechnic for the past one month.
Teachers have been on strike, but the state government has not been listening to their demands thereby leaving students to suffer,” Suchan alleged, while addressing the protesting students.
He said the students would wait till Monday, after which they would launch an agitation against the government.
He said the teachers had assured them that they would teach overtime to complete their syllabi but that would happen only after their issues were addressed by the government.
The striking students also demanded better academic facilities and environment.
Among other things, they sought demanded filling of vacant posts of teachers, providing sufficient furniture for students and opening of a canteen in their institution.